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Enjoy your stay
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
For those that have been reading this blog, I'm sure all of you have noticed the increasingly long delays between posts by now. There are just so many things I want to do, yet blogging isn't one of them, at least for now. Besides, GEMS demand that I maintain another seperate blog as a project, kind of troublesome. Most importantly, the upcoming EOY examinations is a force to be reckoned with, excessive slacking is out of the question now.
Sigh, just got my hair cut today. It was starting to look like a 'bush', something which Mr Sam Soo mentioned before. It always feels so awkward whenever my hair suffers the fury of the SCISSORS.
Yea, that's about it. Best of luck (and effortS) to all my dear friends in their Final-year exams, and as you can guess, I won't be touching this blog anytime soon. I'M NOT KILLING IT YET, YOU SILLY. Just sending it into cryostasis for a while.
Signing off,

Sigh, just got my hair cut today. It was starting to look like a 'bush', something which Mr Sam Soo mentioned before. It always feels so awkward whenever my hair suffers the fury of the SCISSORS.
Yea, that's about it. Best of luck (and effortS) to all my dear friends in their Final-year exams, and as you can guess, I won't be touching this blog anytime soon. I'M NOT KILLING IT YET, YOU SILLY. Just sending it into cryostasis for a while.
Signing off,

Friday, September 11, 2009
The beautiful snowflakes are plentiful. Such beauty does not deserve to drop to the ground, where footsteps shall be imprinted on them. If they belong to the sky, where they should rightfully float in freedom, then why do they still come to the ground as such?
Couples fill the street. The loving glances they cast at each other tells us something else, they may be thinking, "What did I do to deserve such a wonderful person?". Some still go ahead and hurt their most loved ones anyway, so in the end... yes, perhaps you don't really deserve such a wonderful companion. If this person does not belong to you, where would they find sanctuary in? Like snowflakes, they belong to the sky, but still find you upon the earth in the end. The ground isn't the happiest place for this tiny snowflake to be in, but it is the only place where an insignificant shard of precipitation can be appreciated, even if only for a while.
A frosty winter breeze blows lightly, and the snowflake's path is altered, and from then on, fate is rewritten with a heavy hand.
The giant foot crushes the snow and leaves it forever shattered, and even though new ones will take its place, the words to be put to paper will never be the same.
Spring arrives in all its glory, and the snow begins to melt, the pen I'm using spills its ink, and the words became all smeared.
Winter is the harshest of all seasons. Many would prefer the brilliant dandelions of Spring, delightful warmth of Summer, and the melancholic bare trees of Autumn.
But Winter is where I belong, and where I shall stay. As saddening as Autumn, but much colder than Summer. Not as flowery as Spring, but the presence of white snow enveloped upon everything is all that I ask for.

Couples fill the street. The loving glances they cast at each other tells us something else, they may be thinking, "What did I do to deserve such a wonderful person?". Some still go ahead and hurt their most loved ones anyway, so in the end... yes, perhaps you don't really deserve such a wonderful companion. If this person does not belong to you, where would they find sanctuary in? Like snowflakes, they belong to the sky, but still find you upon the earth in the end. The ground isn't the happiest place for this tiny snowflake to be in, but it is the only place where an insignificant shard of precipitation can be appreciated, even if only for a while.
A frosty winter breeze blows lightly, and the snowflake's path is altered, and from then on, fate is rewritten with a heavy hand.
The giant foot crushes the snow and leaves it forever shattered, and even though new ones will take its place, the words to be put to paper will never be the same.
Spring arrives in all its glory, and the snow begins to melt, the pen I'm using spills its ink, and the words became all smeared.
Winter is the harshest of all seasons. Many would prefer the brilliant dandelions of Spring, delightful warmth of Summer, and the melancholic bare trees of Autumn.
But Winter is where I belong, and where I shall stay. As saddening as Autumn, but much colder than Summer. Not as flowery as Spring, but the presence of white snow enveloped upon everything is all that I ask for.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
That's why I say, shopping is really tiring. And did I also mention that Jurong Point is practically humongous after its extension? It's so amazing how you can walk till your soles are tired and still not see every store they have there. Ridiculous, even their carpark is huge, hunting for my family's car became a rather warm task. After all, I would use this simile for that particular carpark, "The temperature of Jurong Point's carpark is as high as an oven". To make it worse, we went in the evening, after all my energy was drained during the day.Had to drag myself out of my well-deserved sleep early in order to meet up with Joan, Yue Ling, and Agnes to discuss some class matters. We met at Causeway Point's MacDonalds for breakfast, where I wolfed down 2 whole cups of coffee, much to the amazement of the girls. I BURN CAFFIENE FOR FUEL! Anyway, what should've been a short meeting turned into a few hours while the drawout was thrown aside and we chatted about...mostly everything. And Joan is definitely one inquisitive girl...sigh. ( 'Irritating' would've earn me a whack once she sees me again so... yea, 'inquisitive' would sound better. )
Oh yes, by the way, I spotted this majestic Maserati when I went to Bishan's Junction 8 two days ago to get my new phone.

Hmm, staying up so late at night always feel so dreamy, the vision feels so pleasantly clouded...
“我看他现在只缺一张报纸而已。” Agnes commented after seeing me sip my coffee, deep in thought. But I don't really see how this enables her to compare me with a middle-aged man.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It's been a long time since I wrote a poem, never did I expect my next inspiration to come from...

The Sniper...
High upon the cliff his steady hands move,
Scope tracking the pitiful man's head.
He has his objectives and he's not aloof,
Trigger pulls and out bursts a fountain of red.
The powerful predator repositions himself,
His watchful eye missing no detail,
Adrenaline rushing with no sense of self.
That bullet inside the chamber kills without fail.
He reacquires his unfortunate target,
The sniper grins in satisfaction,
This shot will no doubt find another dead,
Wounds tearing open like incisions.
Base camp breaks out in chaos,
Invaded by an unknown source.
Their last breath may come at any moment,
Not even a second for them to be coherent.
A good buddy behind falls,
Turning back would be your survival's gall.
What is there to do,
When your matchmaker with the Grim Reaper is no fool,
Comes in a form so hidden, lethal, and cool?
~The "Trigger pulls"...

It occurred to me quite unexpectedly that I would've actually thought of these will playing the jungle warfare FPS, Far Cry 2. Comfortable in my little cubbyhole hiding place, sniping away at people didn't look all that hard. Then I began see the chaos on the other side, people were screaming once a person goes down, and anyone who stopped to check were popped at as well. It's hard, when people around you are all dying and not a single one of you can tell where the killer is apart from hearing the direction of the gunshot sounds.
Must a 'sniper' always be in the form of a gun and a bullet? How about other less distinct weapons? Most people only discover that they have cancer at a very late stage, and at this time, the reticle is already aimed, bullet already loaded. Such unexpected deaths are often the most saddening, with the most potential to down people into despair.
Nobody likes backstabbers, friends that betray you without your knowledge are as good as merciless snipers who 'kill' you from behind anonymity. It happens sometimes that when you trust a person so much, what you don't know is that he already has his gun aiming towards you. Before you know it... blackout.
'Snipers' may not have to be sinister people, people who mean well for you still can hurt you unknowingly. The behaviour they display, the look in their eyes, the waves of emotions in their words, all tells you that they are reluctant to hurt you, but they are not spared a second option...
Thunder in a blue sky
A black streak races across the rippling blue,
As unexpected as an abrupt thunderstorm.
Leaves fall as an abysmal gale strikes,
Crippling them in a flurry against the ground.
Little creatures scatter in panic, unable to organise themselves.
Oceans surge in defiance against the heavens,
Toppling whatever is available to purge.
As the banshees soar across the sky like demons,
Everything below the clouds cower in fright.
The booming thunder resonates throughout the valley,
Signalling catastrophic usurption of the flowing blue in the sky.
What appears to be a normal day,
Of Love, Happiness, and... just seeing you.
All fades away,
When you said that the love I thought was there never existed,
My emotions were like the disastrous works of nature.
The leaves, are my dreams.
The oceans, my tears.
The winds, my fears.
~The storms will eventually stop, but then it'll all be too late.
The one you love most could very well be the one to hurt you the deepest.
Pessimistic stuff over, let's talk about the events of the week. Generally, with Tuesday already striked off my calender as Teachers' Day, the week was quite relaxed. Just a few stray tests left over from the Common Test week. I recently just learnt that there is going to be an Oral Speaking component for EOY exams, both English and Mother Tongue. Gosh, facing a teacher less than a metre away is never easy.
Now that the holidays have started, I feel as if my prison sentence has started as well. Homework is most likely going to keep me glued to my study desk most of the time. These teachers give out homework as if paper is free...
When the teachers tell us to take some time off to relax, the intonation of their 'relax' seems to suggest the coming week won't be relaxing at all, ditto for the days after Sep. holidays.
Well, sometimes I look at my wardrobe and I crinch at the fact that it is very poorly filled. I think I really need some new clothes, but a guy rarely finds the time to go shopping. Even the word 'shopping' can make me flinch, sigh. Moreover, it's hard for me to buy clothes because I'm very picky, I only wear singlets, shorts, and slippers. Did I forget undergarments? No, I didn't...er-hem. Hmm. Doesn't sound like me, forget it.
As for now, it's back to reading novels, writing poems, fitness training, and doing homework.
"If I'm a thief, I'll be the thief that stole your heart."

The Sniper...
High upon the cliff his steady hands move,
Scope tracking the pitiful man's head.
He has his objectives and he's not aloof,
Trigger pulls and out bursts a fountain of red.
The powerful predator repositions himself,
His watchful eye missing no detail,
Adrenaline rushing with no sense of self.
That bullet inside the chamber kills without fail.
He reacquires his unfortunate target,
The sniper grins in satisfaction,
This shot will no doubt find another dead,
Wounds tearing open like incisions.
Base camp breaks out in chaos,
Invaded by an unknown source.
Their last breath may come at any moment,
Not even a second for them to be coherent.
A good buddy behind falls,
Turning back would be your survival's gall.
What is there to do,
When your matchmaker with the Grim Reaper is no fool,
Comes in a form so hidden, lethal, and cool?
~The "Trigger pulls"...

It occurred to me quite unexpectedly that I would've actually thought of these will playing the jungle warfare FPS, Far Cry 2. Comfortable in my little cubbyhole hiding place, sniping away at people didn't look all that hard. Then I began see the chaos on the other side, people were screaming once a person goes down, and anyone who stopped to check were popped at as well. It's hard, when people around you are all dying and not a single one of you can tell where the killer is apart from hearing the direction of the gunshot sounds.
Must a 'sniper' always be in the form of a gun and a bullet? How about other less distinct weapons? Most people only discover that they have cancer at a very late stage, and at this time, the reticle is already aimed, bullet already loaded. Such unexpected deaths are often the most saddening, with the most potential to down people into despair.
Nobody likes backstabbers, friends that betray you without your knowledge are as good as merciless snipers who 'kill' you from behind anonymity. It happens sometimes that when you trust a person so much, what you don't know is that he already has his gun aiming towards you. Before you know it... blackout.
'Snipers' may not have to be sinister people, people who mean well for you still can hurt you unknowingly. The behaviour they display, the look in their eyes, the waves of emotions in their words, all tells you that they are reluctant to hurt you, but they are not spared a second option...
Thunder in a blue sky
A black streak races across the rippling blue,
As unexpected as an abrupt thunderstorm.
Leaves fall as an abysmal gale strikes,
Crippling them in a flurry against the ground.
Little creatures scatter in panic, unable to organise themselves.
Oceans surge in defiance against the heavens,
Toppling whatever is available to purge.
As the banshees soar across the sky like demons,
Everything below the clouds cower in fright.
The booming thunder resonates throughout the valley,
Signalling catastrophic usurption of the flowing blue in the sky.
What appears to be a normal day,
Of Love, Happiness, and... just seeing you.
All fades away,
When you said that the love I thought was there never existed,
My emotions were like the disastrous works of nature.
The leaves, are my dreams.
The oceans, my tears.
The winds, my fears.
~The storms will eventually stop, but then it'll all be too late.
The one you love most could very well be the one to hurt you the deepest.
Pessimistic stuff over, let's talk about the events of the week. Generally, with Tuesday already striked off my calender as Teachers' Day, the week was quite relaxed. Just a few stray tests left over from the Common Test week. I recently just learnt that there is going to be an Oral Speaking component for EOY exams, both English and Mother Tongue. Gosh, facing a teacher less than a metre away is never easy.
Now that the holidays have started, I feel as if my prison sentence has started as well. Homework is most likely going to keep me glued to my study desk most of the time. These teachers give out homework as if paper is free...
When the teachers tell us to take some time off to relax, the intonation of their 'relax' seems to suggest the coming week won't be relaxing at all, ditto for the days after Sep. holidays.
Well, sometimes I look at my wardrobe and I crinch at the fact that it is very poorly filled. I think I really need some new clothes, but a guy rarely finds the time to go shopping. Even the word 'shopping' can make me flinch, sigh. Moreover, it's hard for me to buy clothes because I'm very picky, I only wear singlets, shorts, and slippers. Did I forget undergarments? No, I didn't...er-hem. Hmm. Doesn't sound like me, forget it.
As for now, it's back to reading novels, writing poems, fitness training, and doing homework.
"If I'm a thief, I'll be the thief that stole your heart."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
What a bullet day. Tonnes of errands to run for the class, A-Math 10-year-series books to give out, collection of english papers, whatever. And all I got as a reward was to have Shu Shan and Jean play with my stationary during Teachers' Day celebration. Lol. Speaking of that, all the performers on the stage today were awesome. Even if your singing or talent isn't up to mark (not much people fit into this category, actually, most were great.), you've earned my salutation for having the courage to perform for the teachers you love in the face of 1k+ students. Truly awe-inspiring.
Having given thanks and gifts to my secondary school teachers, it was time to visit Ms Ho from Admiralty Primary School. Another teacher with a great positive influence on her students. I can say she helped me with my English Language a lot, together with Math. Sigh, Math...
Sadly, she actually said she couldn't recognise me. Did I really change that much in looks from the days of Primary School? (Takes a look class photo from 6H class blog. "Yea, really.") But that didn't prevent me from socialising around with both my 6H friends and of course, Ms Ho. But me and the 6H guys started labelling Ivan and Frederick as ASDs (Anti-social devices), because they really refused to join the rest of us. It was so relaxing to talk of the fun days in the past. Hady hugging a certain teacher's bottom, Hady and his 7As (I'm talking about girls here, not grades.) A pity Shahir didn't come, WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD. Having not seen each other for 1 whole year, it's a wonder how we could still get along so well. Such is the power of friendship, I guess.

Er...is it just me or are the primary school kids getting smaller-sized nowdays? Malnutrition?

Not all the students of 6H'06 are here, how I miss the rest of them.
Just something random. Saw this beast at Causeway Point on Sunday while hunting for my Teachers' Day gifts.

This was the exact design and car model which was used as 'Bumblebee' in the movie franchise, Transformers.
[Sourced from Rsportscars.com]
How coincidental. When I was just about to leave the group this afternoon, Zak, who knew that I was a car enthusiasist, said, "Wei Chuan, when you reach 21, go buy a Chevrolet Camaro." Haha, bet he got the idea from watching Transformers. I told him, "Sorry, Zak. I don't really have a preference for muscle cars." Really, I don't. American muscles lack...sophistication.
Going for a game of basketball tomorrow. Followed by a meeting with Joan about the class-tee. I really wonder sometimes, how long is this bloody tee gonna take for it to wrap up and finish...
On overall, today has been a wonderful day. My life is never lacking of sweet people who brighten up my day, and wise ones who remind me of a brighter future ahead, and I thank them thus from the deepest of my heart.

Having given thanks and gifts to my secondary school teachers, it was time to visit Ms Ho from Admiralty Primary School. Another teacher with a great positive influence on her students. I can say she helped me with my English Language a lot, together with Math. Sigh, Math...
Sadly, she actually said she couldn't recognise me. Did I really change that much in looks from the days of Primary School? (Takes a look class photo from 6H class blog. "Yea, really.") But that didn't prevent me from socialising around with both my 6H friends and of course, Ms Ho. But me and the 6H guys started labelling Ivan and Frederick as ASDs (Anti-social devices), because they really refused to join the rest of us. It was so relaxing to talk of the fun days in the past. Hady hugging a certain teacher's bottom, Hady and his 7As (I'm talking about girls here, not grades.) A pity Shahir didn't come, WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD. Having not seen each other for 1 whole year, it's a wonder how we could still get along so well. Such is the power of friendship, I guess.
Er...is it just me or are the primary school kids getting smaller-sized nowdays? Malnutrition?
Not all the students of 6H'06 are here, how I miss the rest of them.
Just something random. Saw this beast at Causeway Point on Sunday while hunting for my Teachers' Day gifts.
This was the exact design and car model which was used as 'Bumblebee' in the movie franchise, Transformers.
[Sourced from Rsportscars.com]
2010 Chevrolet Camaro
2010 Chevrolet Camaro Specifications
Drivetrain | |
Transmission | TR6060 6 Speed |
Layout | Front Engine, RWD |
Weight Distribution | 52 front/ 48 rear |
Suspension | Fully Independent, Rear 4.5 Link |
Brakes | 4 Wheel Disc. Four-Piston, Aluminum Brembo Calipers |
Engine | |
Engine Type | LS3 V-8 |
Displacement | 6.2 Liters |
Horsepower | 422 hp (315 kW) |
Torque | 408 lb-ft. (553 Nm) |
Interior | |
Connectivity | Bluetooth, Integrated USB |
Audio | Premium Boston Acoustics Audio System |
Parking | Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist |
Starter | Remote Vehicle Starting System |
How coincidental. When I was just about to leave the group this afternoon, Zak, who knew that I was a car enthusiasist, said, "Wei Chuan, when you reach 21, go buy a Chevrolet Camaro." Haha, bet he got the idea from watching Transformers. I told him, "Sorry, Zak. I don't really have a preference for muscle cars." Really, I don't. American muscles lack...sophistication.
Going for a game of basketball tomorrow. Followed by a meeting with Joan about the class-tee. I really wonder sometimes, how long is this bloody tee gonna take for it to wrap up and finish...
On overall, today has been a wonderful day. My life is never lacking of sweet people who brighten up my day, and wise ones who remind me of a brighter future ahead, and I thank them thus from the deepest of my heart.